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A dental crown, also known as a dental cap, is a strong and reliable dental restoration, but there’s still a chance that it can become broken or damaged or that it could fall out of place. So, to keep your dental crown in tip-top shape, then our Ninth Street Dental team encourages you to take good care of it. You can do so by doing the following things:

-Keep up on oral hygiene: It’s important to keep your dental crown clean and pristine by brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing your smile once a day, and rinsing your mouth daily. For the best results possible, it’s recommended to use a soft-bristled toothbrush as you brush and antibacterial or fluoride mouthwash as you rinse. No matter which tools and products you use, make sure they are approved by the American Dental Association.

-Visit your dentist: It’s vital to visit Dr. Shirin Mashhoon every six months for a routine checkup and cleaning. This appointment includes the only treatment that can clean your dental crown and smile from plaque and tartar that threaten to create gum disease. This appointment is also a great opportunity for your dentist to correct any problems with your dental crown if necessary.

-Be careful while chewing: Your dental crown has a hard time with tough and sticky foods. So, it’s best to avoid chewing with your dental crown when eating these products.

Keeping up on oral hygiene, visiting your dentist, and being careful while you chew are the three things you need to do to keep your dental restoration in pristine condition. If you would like to know more about how to take good care of a dental crown in Durham, North Carolina, then please call our office today at 919-286-9090. We’re happy to help you!